AbstractListenerTransport | |
AbstractTransport | |
AndroidHandler | Implements a java.util.logging.Logger handler that writes to the Android log. |
AndroidPackageScanner | |
ApacheClientHttpTransport | |
ArrayBlockingMessageQueue | |
AsynchronousLoopbackTransport | |
AuthenticatedEchoClient | Connects to the echo server and sends messages to be echoed back. |
AuthenticatedEchoServer | A simple authenticated server, using a static authentication algorithm. |
AutoconfigurationDisabledException | |
AutoConfiguredServer | Shows how to use automatic configuration to simplify client connections using the new Trap 1.2 API. |
Base64 | A Base64 encoder/decoder. |
Block | Blocks execution until unblocked. |
BlockingMessageQueue | A blocking message queue will halt execution when put() is called for a period of time. |
ByteConverter | Methods for converting integers to and from bytes, while preserving signs. |
CABMessageQueue | |
Callback<T> | Provides a generic callback mechanism to handle asynchronous callbacks, while allowing synchronous accesses of them. |
Callback.SingleArgumentCallback<T> | Asynchronous callback interface. |
ChannelMessageQueue | A pseudo message queue that pulls its input from the endpoint's channels. |
ClientHttpsTransport | |
ClientHttpTransport | |
ClientTrapEndpoint | |
CLQMessageQueue | |
ConditionalBlock | Blocks execution until unblocked. |
Configuration | A generic configuration interface, capable of serialisation, deserialisation and some primitive operations. |
ConfiguredClient | Similar to the configured server, this sample shows how to tweak a client's configuration. |
ConfiguredServer | This example focuses on tweaking a server's configuration. |
CORSUtil |
DelegateEchoClient | Implements the echo client by setting multiple independent delegate objects instead. |
DisabledKeepalivePredictor | Disables the default keepalive engine. |
EchoClient | Connects to the echo server and sends messages to be echoed back. |
EchoServer | This example provides a simple echo server. |
Future | Port of Java's Future interface, for compatibility with pre-1.5 |
FutureImpl |
HexConverter | Converts bytes to/from hexadecimal format. |
HexDump | Utility class to print out hexadecimal and pretty data, primarily for debug purposes. |
HTTPHandler | |
HTTPHoster | |
HTTPServlet25 | |
HTTPServlet30 | |
HTTPServletAdaptor | HTTP Servlet adaption core. |
HTTPServletListener | |
HTTPServletTransport | |
HTTPServletUtil | |
HTTPSession |
IndexConfigurator | |
IndexMojo | |
IPUtil | A collection of checks for IP addresses. |
JBossVFSPackageScanner | |
JDKLoggerConfig |
LinkedBlockingMessageQueue | |
LinkedByteBlockingMessageQueue | |
LinkedByteMessageQueue | |
LinkedByteMessageQueue.QueuedMessage | |
LinkedMessageQueue | |
ListenerHttpTransport | |
ListenerTrapEndpoint | This endpoint listens for incoming connections. |
ListenerTrapTransport | An interface for a Trap Transport capable of listening for incoming connections. |
ListenerTrapTransportDelegate | Interface to be implemented by objects that wish to receive ListenerTrapTransport callbacks. |
Lock | Port of the Java Lock class to allow 1.4 and earlier compatibility. |
LockImpl | |
LoopbackTransport | |
LRUCache<K, V> |
ManagedServerSocket | |
ManagedServerSocket.State | |
ManagedServerSocketClient | |
ManagedSocket | |
ManagedSocket.State | |
ManagedSocketClient | |
MessageQueue | A FIFO queue for messages. |
MultiplexedClient | Showcases how to use Trap Channels to send multiple data flows at the same time. |
MultiplexedServer | A server capable of echoing to the MultiplexedClient. |
OnAccept | Interface to be implemented by the object responsible for dealing with new incoming Trap connections. |
OnClose | Interface for delegates that wish to know when the endpoint has closed (changed state to CLOSED). |
OnData | Implement this interface to handle data callbacks from Trap Endpoints. |
OnError | Interface for delegates to be notified that an error has occurred in the Trap Endpoint. |
OnFailedSending | Implement this interface to receive notifications when Trap has failed sending some data. |
OnObject | Optional interface to be implemented by applications that wish to use the optimised loopback transport. |
OnOpen | Specifies a delegate that should be called once the endpoint changes state to OPEN. |
OnSleep | Interface for delegates interesting when the endpoint goes into the SLEEPING state. |
OnStateChange | Implement this interface to receive callbacks when the Trap Endpoint changes its state. |
OnWakeup | Interface for delegates to be notified when a TrapEndpoint wakes up (changes state from SLEEPING to OPEN) |
PackageScanner | Utility class to scan the classes in a certain package. |
PrettyPrinter |
ResizableMessageQueue | For performance reasons, not all message queues can be resized. |
RunnableFuture |
ServerHttpTransport | |
ServerSocket | |
ServerSocket.ServerSocketHandler | |
ServerSocketTransport | |
ServerSocketWrapper | |
ServerTrapEndpoint | The server trap endpoint does not really need to care about a lot of things... |
ServerWebSocketTransport | |
SingleCallback<T> | |
Socket | |
Socket.SocketHandler | |
SocketConstants | |
SocketFactory | |
SocketTransport | |
SocketWrapper | |
SSLServerSocket | |
SSLSocket | |
SSLUtil | |
SSLUtil.SSLMaterial | |
StaticKeepalivePredictor | |
StringUtil | StringUtil contains a number of Java 1.4 and Android-safe String operations that should be preferred over the Java native one. |
StringUtilImpl |
ThreadPool | Provides a set of thread pools, supplying implementations for JVMs that do not ship with Thread Pools. |
ThreadPoolImpl | |
TLSEchoServer | This example provides a simple echo server. |
TLSInsecureEchoClient | Connects to the echo server and sends messages to be echoed back. |
TLSInsecureEchoServer | This example provides a simple echo server. |
TomcatWSConstants | |
TomcatWSListener | |
TomcatWSTransport | |
TrapAuthentication | Provides an interface by which applications can authenticate Trap sessions and messages. |
TrapAuthenticationException | Exception that can be thrown by the TrapAuthentication instance to alert Trap of an unrecoverable error. |
TrapChannel | A channel is a logical stream of Trap messages, multiplexed on the same Trap connection. |
TrapChannelImpl | |
TrapClient | A TrapClient is a TrapEndpoint capable of opening an outgoing connection, commonly to a TrapListener. |
TrapConfiguration | The TrapConfiguration interface provides a specification on how to interact with a runtime (deserialized) version of TrapConfiguration format. |
TrapConfigurationImpl | |
TrapConstants | Contains a number of constants for Trap. |
TrapContextKeys | Enum for the pre-defined keys that can be used for authentication context map requests. |
TrapCustomConfiguration | |
TrapDelegate | General catch-all interface for Trap Delegates. |
TrapEndpoint | The main interface to Trap, a TrapEndpoint is the shared interface between servers and clients. |
TrapEndpointDelegate |
This interface is deprecated.
Renamed to TrapEndpointDelegate
TrapEndpointDelegate | Convenience interface for implemting a delegate for OnData , OnStateChange and OnFailedSending
. |
TrapEndpointImpl | |
TrapEndpointMessage | Data structure to hold references for messages in TrapMessageBuffer s. |
TrapException | Exception type thrown by Trap. |
TrapFactory | TrapFactory is used as an entry point to the underlying Trap implementation. |
TrapHostingTransport | Defines interfaces for transports that are capable of hosting files. |
TrapHostingTransport.TrapHostable | Interface for objects hosted by a transport. |
TrapImplDebugPrinter | |
TrapKeepaliveDelegate | Interface to be implemented by objects that want to be notified about the state of a keepalive predictor/validator. |
TrapKeepalivePolicy | This class contains definitions for the built-in keepalive policies. |
TrapKeepalivePredictor | A TrapKeepalivePredictor allows TrapTransports to determine on an automatic basis the next keepalive. |
TrapListener | A TrapListener is a special kind of Trap node capable of listening for incoming connections. |
TrapListenerDelegate |
This interface is deprecated.
Renamed to OnAccept in the new delegates package.
TrapMessage | TrapMessage is a message that can be transported via Trap. |
TrapMessage.Format | The Format class specifies the available Trap message formats. |
TrapMessage.Operation | This subclass defines the possible message operations of a TrapMessage. |
TrapMessage.Operation.Value | Contains numeric values for the operations, to be used in switch statements. |
TrapMessageBuffer | A TrapMessageBuffer is a circular buffer with reordering capabilities for TrapMessage objects. |
TrapMessageBufferImpl | Circular buffer of TrapMessages and TrapTransports they arrived on. |
TrapMessageImpl | |
TrapObject | Interface that should be implemented by objects to be transported using Trap. |
TrapObjectMessage | |
TrapPeer | Interface used to maintain peer to peer Trap connections. |
TrapPeer.TrapPeerChannel | Callback interface to be implemented by the caller. |
TrapPeerImpl | |
TrapSettings | A common ancestor interface for TrapEndpoint and TrapListener . |
TrapState | TrapState defines the set of states that TrapEndpoints can have. |
TrapTestServer | |
TrapTransport | Defines the methods available for interacting with the various Trap transports. |
TrapTransportDelegate | Interface to be implemented by objects that wish to receive TrapTransport callbacks. |
TrapTransportException | Denotes an exception that occurred within the transport, generally when trying to send messages. |
TrapTransportPriority | Contstants representing the default values for transport priorities. |
TrapTransportProtocol | Defines a non-exhaustive list of protocols that transports can employ. |
TrapTransports | Container for the automatic detection of transports. |
TrapTransportState | Acts as an enum for the possible states of a transport. |
UID | Generator for unique identifiers. |
UIDImpl | |
UUID | Wrapper class for UUID generation. |
UUIDImpl |
WeakDelay | |
WeakMap<K, V> | Provides a map with a weak binding of its values. |
WebServerSocketHandler | |
WebServerSocketTransport | |
WebSocket | |
WebSocketClient | |
WebSocketConstants | |
WebSocketServer | A HTTP server which serves Web Socket requests at: http://localhost:8080/websocket Open your browser at http://localhost:8080/, then the demo page will be loaded and a Web Socket connection will be made automatically. |
WebSocketTransport | |
WSAbstractFrame | |
WSAbstractHandshake | |
WSAbstractProtocol | |
WSAbstractProtocolWrapper | |
WSAcceptListener | |
WSConstants | |
WSException | |
WSFactory | |
WSFactoryImpl | |
WSHixie75 | |
WSHixie75Handshake | |
WSHixie76 | |
WSHixie76Handshake | |
WSHixieFrame | |
WSHybi10 | |
WSHybi10Handshake | |
WSHybiFrame | |
WSInterface | |
WSListener | |
WSNioEndpoint | |
WSPrefetcher | |
WSPrefetcherHandshake | |
WSRfc6455 | |
WSRfc6455Handshake | |
WSSecureSocketFactory | |
WSSecurityContext | |
WSServer | |
WSServerImpl | |
WSServlet | |
WSServletAdaptor | |
WSServletListener | |
WSSocket | |
WSSocket.Delegate | |
WSSocketEndpoint | |